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Eastern Spruce / Pine / Fir Lumber

Product Sizing

2x3 E-SPF

8' - 16' Length
​1650 MSR / 2100 MSR
​#2, #3, Economy

2x4 E-SPF

8' - 16' Length
​1650 MSR / 2100 MSR
​#2, #3, Economy

2x6 E-SPF

8' - 16' Length
​1650 MSR / 2100 MSR
​#2, #3, Economy

2x8 E-SPF

8' - 16' Length
​1950 MSR
​#2, #3, Economy

2x10 E-SPF

8' - 16' Length

​#2, #3, Economy

2x12 E-SPF

8' - 16' Length

​#2, #3, Economy

1x4 E-SPF

8' - 16' Length

​Economy, Utility

Available by-products include: Softwood, Chips, Dry Planar Shavings, Sawdust, Hog Fuel.

ProductLength 1650 MSR1950 MSR2100 MSR #2 #3 EconomyUtility
 2x38' to 16'CheckXCheckCheckCheckCheckX
 2x48' to 16'CheckXCheckCheckCheckCheckX
 2x68' to 16'CheckXCheckCheckCheckCheckX
 2x88' to 16'XCheckXCheckCheckCheckX
 2x108' to 16'XXXCheckCheckCheckX
 2x128' to 16'XXXCheckCheckCheckX
1x48' to 16'XXXXXCheckCheck

 = In Production, X = Not In Production, MSR = Machine Stress-Rated Lumber | All Lumber is produced using eastern Spruce / Pine / Fir

Available by-products include: Softwood, Chips, Dry Planar Shavings, Sawdust, Hog Fuel.

Eastern SPF Dimension Lumber

Eastern SPF lumber is comprised of Black spruce, Jack pine, and Balsam fir trees, which grows more slowly and yields wood with exceptional strength properties.

Machine Stress-Rated Lumber

Machine stress rated (MSR) lumber is a type of softwood dimension lumber evaluated by mechanical stress rating equipment. Each piece is tested and assigned a rating based on its modulus of elasticity (flexibility) to show stiffness and strength. We produce 1650 / 1950 / 2100 MSR Lumber in 2x3, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8.


In an effort to respect the resources we utilize, 

Nakina Lumber Inc. produces the below by-products:

Softwood, Chips, Dry Planar Shavings, Sawdust and Hog fuel.


Nakina Lumber Inc. Produces: MSR 1650 / 1950 / 2100, #3, #2, Economy and Utility and Better grades. All grades adhere to the standards provided by the National Lumber Grading Authority (NLGA) and are inspected by the Ontario Lumber Manufacturing Agency (OLMA).


Nakina Lumber Inc. is served by the Canadian National Railway (CN) allowing us to efficiently ship our quality lumber products to customers throughout the North American market. Nakina Lumber Inc. also provides shipment via truckload for locations within Canada.

Lumber Grading Agency

Our SPF Dimension Lumber is inspected under the authority of the Ontario Lumber Manufacturing Agency (OLMA). You can trust that the grading of our products are held to the highest standards of their independently owned agency. 


Our Technology

Dry Kilns

Highly efficient Welland/Mcconnell by-product powered kilns certified to meet Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Heat Training (HT), National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA), Kiln Drying (KD) standards and Ontario Lumber Manufacturing Agency (OLMA) grading standards.

Transported via the CN Railway

The Canadian National Railways' 20,000-mile network spans Canada and Mid-America, connecting three coasts: the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico. Our supply chain partnerships help us deliver lumber to our customers throughout North America.

Machine Stress-Rated
Machine Stress-Rated Lumber achieved with state of the art gradation tools (Calibre Equipment/Ecoustic MSR Grader). We offer high quality 1650 / 1950 / 2100 Machine Stress-Rated Lumber in select sizes to suit your needs.

​Our Logistics

Nakina Lumber Inc. utilizes the Canadian National Railway to ship throughout North America. The expansive CN Railway spans majority of North America providing you with access to the lumber you need.

For a detailed map of the Canadian Railway please see their website.

Nakina Lumber Inc. Also ships via truck to locations within Canada. For more information on the logistics of shipping via truck, please contact a Buchanan Sales representative. We are happy to answer questions about your logistical needs!

Our Partnerships

Agoke Development Corporation

The Agoke Development Corporation (Agoke) is a forestry company owned equally by Aroland, Eabametoong and Marten Falls.  Agoke was started in 2015 to build capacity to manage the Ogoki Forest and to develop economic opportunities through partnerships.  The name ‘Agoke’ came from a group of respected elders to signify the takeover of the Ogoki Forest.  With the three First Nations in the name (A – for Aroland, E – for Eabametoong and Ah-go-kay for Marten Falls) it was only fitting to name the partnership in that way.

Today, Nakina Lumber Inc. employs approximately 85 workers and more than 80% of them are First Nations peoples.  Another important part of the agreement is the setup of a working committee at the Nakina Lumber Inc. facility.  This Nakina Lumber Inc. committee was put together to make sure the workers have a voice and bring up employee concerns to management.  The Nakina Sawmill employee committee representatives are: Ross Kashkish, Montana Megan, Alexis Okeese and Mike Toblin.  They meet with the Agoke Board and the Nakina sawmill management every two weeks.  They discuss training, the need for lodging in Greenstone, transportation and child care services. There are many different types of job opportunities available at the Nakina Lumber Inc. Sawmill. Nakina Lumber Inc. has enjoyed many successful years in partnership with Agoke Development Corp. and looks forward to continued growth and collaboration. 

Careers With Nakina Lumber